Friday, 20 April 2007

The day after the end of the update from France

I am still fumbling around in the dark trying to find the light switch in this my new blog room so bare with me girls, ooh I see we have a few chaps too with us, so you are very welcome too, must have someone to do the heavy lifting after all, Johnny Depp is that you dear ? Good lord heronthehill will be pleased to see you! I like it here, and I am sure I will get used to it once I find my way around. Mme Grognonne did have a map but used it to light her cigar so I am having to guess. It took me an hour this morning to work out how to get in to write another blog! Do hope you like the new wallpaper and the poster! I got quite carried away when I found I could make my blogroom more homely, I am thinking of bringing in a pot of geraniums for my desk and a basket for Oscar and the kittens. Then of course there is the coffee perker and the wine rack. Family photos a few soft toys, some snacks and nibbles a couple of easy chairs.. fluffy bunnies cuddly toys fondue set…craft books…Mme Grognonne says she would like an ashtray but I think its probably no smoking here..
Nice computer man came back yesterday to almost sort out Eldests machine, he will be back next week with a polish speaker. Not for the computer but for Eldest who is off to Poland next month to represent her country as a symbol of effective youth (not sure which country she is representing but apparently she and several other game young things are off to meet some poles in um Zesomething or other to discuss the fate of the planet). Computer man has promised his friend will teach her a few useful phrases and told her to think of some in readiness. She is thinking along the lines of "you look cute can I have your number ? " And " is this skirt available in a smaller size" I am working on "one step closer and I scream" and " where are the toilets". Computer man says, not to worry, Poland is lovely and she will have a great time. I always wanted the children to travel but rather hoped I might go along too! Eldest has promised that when she is famous she will take me to her film premieres, she thinks it will be good for her public image. But only if I practise getting out of a car elegantly and get some decent clothes.
White cat came limping back yesterday her leg furless but it is clean and healing, and she obviously managed to stagger as far as a sunny patch on the grass just the other side of the dog fence where she lay and watched the dogs going berserk trying to get at her. I picked her up and Chief Patissier put gunk on her wounds and we fed her so hopefully the daft creature has survived her journeys inside a Landrover engine. Youngest is very pleased she is safe and not dead, Middle, who came back from camp yesterday, is very disappointed that he missed all the excitement ( I think he is talking about the cat not country living) and wants us to pop her back in the small hiding place under the bonnet so he can see. Eldest is stomping around muttering rude words about Country Living and demanding she read all my blogs from day one, I ma trying to put her off for the sake of her mental well being. It is always hard to find out your parents are human, little trickier to find out your mother is bonkers and has to alter egos!
Must go before I am discovered but band of roaming children searching for breakfast. The person who invents the silent keyboard will make a whole generation of seret bloggers very happy!
Until later chaps hang on in there!


muddyboots said...

my god, what a lot of writing! i think we are all exploding in a riot of creativity, being dyslexic i have a problem reading large chunks of text, pretty, pretty please, can you double space between paragraphs. whoops

Un Peu Loufoque said...

oops sorry I'm one of those too... intwo langauges I shall try to remember to double space the paragraphs tho !! Sorry !!

@themill said...

Bonjour,ca va? Finding my way around the new geography!

Kitty said...

Bonjour ma petite choufleur etc...

I feel like a child in a sweet shop - so excited and so much to look at. Nice pic. xx

muddyboots said...

bonjour ca va etc, thanks mate!

Sally Townsend said...

Terribly nice to see you here mon vieil haricot x

lixtroll said...

Un Peu, you are absolutely priceless and votre site est tres beau or belle, take your pic. Fantastic to see you up and running away with your mad blogs again, mes regards a Mme G, hope she enjoyed her cigar!

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

i will now always think of you as your picture with this blog. utterly fabulous.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

OK NOW LISTEN I WILL SAY THIS ONLY ONCE (Well that's not tue but listen anyway!) This is the wrong Blog go to the other un pwu loufoque name on the chocoalte children adn wine list and the real working blog is listed on un peus profile there, its a long story but stick with me!

Woozle1967 said...

Hello there! Yet another brill blog homepage. Oh dear...... I am not worthy (big sigh). Am going off to read the instruction manual on how to decorate!xxx

Milla said...

lovely to hear that you are still as mad as a bucket. Mme G sounds like she should get together with Blossom's Marilyn.
On a more serious note, I copied your thing onto this site, which you had posted onto CL regarding a) our copyright and b) their authority to use our stuff wherever they like. Now I can't find it on here to see if anyone has responded. And I don't get that this isn't your blog, but that your blog's somewhere else. Oh dear. Am feeling feeble and incompetent. I need Mme G to take me in hand.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

OK now listen very very carefully. I have one active blog called UN PEU LOUFOQUE (not capitals as it helps you to identify it fromteh other not real blog calld...un peu loufoque!!)

First blog set up with an email that died sadly in the night but I cannot delete it or change it at all THEREFORE I had to create a new blog called UN PEU LOUFOQUE.. still with me. Now you need to STOP posting commetns oin here adn start posting them on UN PEU LOUFOQUE... always presuming you wna to commetn that is, don't feel obliged.. I shan't sulk if you don't want to.. sob..

Withy Brook said...

I never know whether to believe you or not! Are you here or aren't you, I wonder. Anyway, just in case, I think you should add in your description that you think faster than you type!!

Eden said...

fantastic photo UnPeu. You are still making me laugh! did you get the message from my friend Urban chick? she left one for you on my blog as she was having trouble getting to you or you to her or something. look forward to reading you lots when I get back to blogging again, but too much tedious work to do now for a few more days. Whilst you're praying that the big green duck doesn't get poop on you again, say one for my endurance test. The husband gets home from ten days (10!) away on Wednesday. counting.

Inthemud said...

Your eldest is off to Poland, my middle is off to Spain, and we are left here with our new home in new school, so similar experiences of newness? I've never been to Poland but sounds an interesting country.
Hope white cat is doing ok

Maria said...

Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog. I have bilingual kids too and was an elderly primagravida mum so I'll be calling again.....